Postgres Performance Demystified
Learn A Simple Framework To Achieve 1,000 Fold Improvements.
Join this FREE training to learn a simple framework you can apply to your Postgres database to unlock performance improvements. This is the framework I have used to drop database CPU utilization from 80% to 20% or improve the performance of certain statements over 1,000 fold.
Here are a few of things we will be covering:

Do Less Work
Understand my "Do Less Work" perspective on performance optimization.
Robbing Peter To Pay Paul
Learn that making one operation fast might make another one slower.Who is this webinar for?
Senior Developers
If you have put off learning how to best leverage the Postgres database you use everyday or want to take your knowledge to the next level, this webinar could be a great way to form your own framework or perspective for thinking about database performance.
Junior Developers
Don't be intimidated or even afraid of your database. I cover some simple concepts you can apply to have a greater understanding of how to best use it as well as some trade-offs you will typically encounter. This could also give you a "leg-up" on other developers who choose not to study this topic.
Database Administrator (Even Accidental?)
While we won't be diving into in-depth details of Postgres in this specific webinar, you will be getting the framework, philosophy and concepts I use when engaging with clients. You can apply this "took-kit" to your own databases.
If any of these sound like you, you are in the right place!

Grab Your Spot To Get My Simple Framework
What people say about my other work . . .

Grab Your Spot To Get My Simple Framework

Who am I?
Hi! I am Creston Jamison. I got started using Microsoft SQL Server in the late 1990's, switched to Oracle in the early 2000's and have been using PostgreSQL since about 2008 (over 15 years!). About 8 years or so ago I started doing PostgreSQL consulting. I started "Scaling Postgres" (my weekly show on scaling Postgres) in 2018. I just hit a huge milestone by recording my 300th episode!
I currently help clients optimize the performance of their PostgreSQL databases. I have helped clients find 10,000X performance wins and helped manage their multi-terabyte databases with trillions of rows.

Grab Your Spot To Get My Simple Framework
Is this free?
Do I have to know anything about Postgres?
Actually, very little. It would be good to have some knowledge. But, a lot of what will be discusssed is how to think about database performance optimization in general. So, a lot of the topics covered could be applied to other database systems.
Is there a chance to ask questions during the webinar?
Yes, there is a Q & A section. If your question is not covered during the webinar, we will attempt to follow-up with you after the session.