PgBouncer Breaking Change | Scaling Postgres 323
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In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss a breaking change in the new version of PgBouncer, PostgreSQL 17 Beta 2 is released, examination of the new built-in collation provider in PG 17 and Notion's data lake.
Content Discussed
- PgBouncer 1.23.0 - “Into the new beginnings”
- PostgreSQL 17 Beta 2 Released!
- Looking at the new built-in collation provider in PostgreSQL 17
- Building and scaling Notion’s data lake
- Making the world my single point of failure with PostgreSQL
- Using Transaction Chaining to Reduce Server Round-Trips
- Soft delete
- Key PostgreSQL Configuration Parameters for Enhanced Performance
- Database Troubleshooting for Developers at Brighton Ruby
- How Postgres is Misused and Abused in the Wild
- Mastering PostgreSQL for Rails: An Interview with Andy Atkinson
- Elaboration of the PostgreSQL sort cost model
- Who is in charge of Postgres?
- ORMs in Production PostgreSQL: Friend or Foe?
- Putting DuckDB in Postgres to Query Iceberg
- Ensuring Safe Data Modifications in PostgreSQL with SELECT FOR UPDATE
- Dilip Kumar
- Using short lived postgres servers for testing
- Patch: Postgres ABI and API Guidance
- A practical introduction to Constraint Programming using CP-SAT and Python
- ST_MapAlgebra and Tiled Rasters
- Postgres Realtime location sharing with MapLibre
- Swiss PGDay 2024 and PG conferences in general
- How I Learned to Love PostgreSQL on Kubernetes: Backup/Restore on Timescale
- The problem with Postgres replicas
- Announcing Tembo Series A
- pgextensions.org: Your Guide to PostgreSQL Extensions Comparision on the Cloud