Microsoft Acquires Citus Data, Split WAL, Maintenance Work Mem | Scaling Postgres 48
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In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we review articles covering Microsoft acquiring Citus Data, split WAL files, maintenance_work_mem and logical replication.
Content Discussed
- Microsoft acquires Citus Data, re-affirming its commitment to Open Source and accelerating Azure PostgreSQL performance and scale
- Microsoft Acquires Citus Data: Creating the World’s Best Postgres Experience Together
- Lessons from building VeniceDB: YouTube
- The Curious Case of Split WAL Files
- How Much maintenance_work_mem Do I Need?
- How We Solved a Storage Problem in PostgreSQL Without Adding a Single Byte of Storage
- PostgreSQL Logical Replication Gotchas
- pg_permission: Inspecting your PostgreSQL security system
- Scheduling Backups En Masse with the Postgres Operator
- What's New in Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator 3.5
- 2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL YouTube
YouTube Video
Podcast Audio
[00:00:00] In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we talk about Microsoft acquiring Citus Data,split wall files, maintenance work, memory, and logical replication. I'm creston. Jameson. Andthis is scaling postgres episode 48.
[00:00:22] Alright, the first big news of the week is that Microsoft has acquired Citus Data. Andthis comes, I've got two posts related to this. One is from the Microsoft.com blog microsoftAcquires Cytus Data, reaffirming its commitment to open source and accelerating AzurePostgreSQL performance and scale. So this was pretty surprising. So recently Microsoftacquired GitHub, which is known for supporting a lot of open source work, and now they haveacquired Cytus Data, which develops a postgres extension to horizontally scale yourPostgreSQL database. So this is an interesting move by Microsoft and it probably conveys thatPostgreSQL on their cloud platform is pretty popular because this solution, they're able to offer ahigh degree of scaling as a part of their service too. So if you're interested, definitely check outthis blog post. The companion piece for the Citus Data report on it is located here on this CitusData blog. Microsoft acquires Citus data, creating the world's best postgres experience together.Now, another interesting thing that I wanted to mention in postgres open Silicon Valley 2018,there was a talk called Lessons from Building Venice. DB.
[00:01:44] Actually, Venicedb is a project at Microsoft that uses the Citis Data extension inpostgres to do all of their analytics, I believe with regard to the Microsoft Windows patchingsystem that patches all burn sessions of Microsoft Windows in the wild. So this solution theyuse, this site definitely has to be a huge installation given how many devices that are out thereusing Microsoft Windows. So I wonder if some of this is related to part of their acquisition plans.But definitely an interesting piece of news that happened this week.
[00:02:20] The next post is The Curious Case of Split Wall Files. And this is from Richyen.com,and he's talking about a situation where you're attempting to do a restore command and you'rerunning into a fatal error for a particular wall file. Since the fatal could not retrieve data from thewall stream, there's an error and the requested wall segment has already been removed. Nowhe says that even though it's reporting this, the file is there. So in the archive directory and LSshows that it's in the archive. So it never actually progresses in the replication effort. Now he didmention he's only witnessed this twice in the past eight years of using streaming replication. Sothis is a rare event, but from what he's discovered, it happens when a wall entry is split acrosstwo wall files because some wall entries will span two files. And that the postgres archive replaydoesn't really internally know that it needs both files in order to do the restore in this event. Nowhe goes into some of the detail in here, so I encourage you to read the blog post. One solutionthat he had is that there was actually a low volume replication with the database. In a PG switchXLOG to you switch to the next log file was able to resolve it. Although this may not work in allcases, but one thing that should work in most of the cases is actually using a replication slot.That way postgres will always hold on to the necessary wall files and doesn't move or deletethem prematurely. So this is a rare occurrence where something like this can happen, butdefinitely a blog post to check out. Just to keep in mind in case you ever run into this situation.
[00:04:04] The next post is how much maintenance work mem do I need? And this is from theRobert Haas blogspot.com site and basically his too long didn't read is try Maintenance workmemory at 1GB and read on for more specific advice. I always enjoy his blog posts becausethey're very thorough and go into a lot of explanations. So I definitely encourage you to read theblog post in its entirety. Basically, to summarize some quick bits of it is that maintenance workmemory is mostly used for two purposes. One, he says it controls the maximum amount ofmemory that the system will use when building an index, otherwise it's going to spill it to a disk.Now, he mentions here that's not usually a big problem, but that's one of its use cases. Thesecond use is it controls the amount of memory that vacuum will allocate to store the TIDs ofdead index tuples. So you kind of want --this sufficiently large to handle large tables because, and I quote if it runs out of memory tostore the TIDs of dead index tuples before it scans the whole table, it will stop the table. Scanscan the indexes discard, the accumulated list of TIDs, and then resume scanning the table fromthe point at which it left off. So the problem is, if you don't have enough memory to hold all thosedead tuples since the last vacuum, it's going to have to scan indexes multiple times. So if youhave to do two times, three times, and they're large tables and a lot of indexes, this could reallyextend the amount of time that auto vacuum takes to complete a whole vacuum of a table. Soyou definitely want it sufficiently sized to avoid that. But of course, he says on the other hand,don't make it too large that you run out of memory because every auto vacuum worker you'reusing will use that amount of maintenance work memory. So in his examples, if you have threeauto vacuum workers and you set it to 10GB, you're using 30GB of Ram only for maintenancework memory. So it's probably a scenario you wouldn't want to do. So again, a lot of greatinformation in this post and I definitely suggest checking it out so you can better optimize yoursetting for maintenance workmem the next post is how we solved a storage problem inPostgreSQL without adding a single byte of storage. And this is from Hacky Benita, I believe. Sobasically they had a query that was actually using a ton of disk space when it ran. And thereason why it was using a ton of disk space is because it was doing sorting and doing anexternal merge to disk. Now it was so large because they were actually doing a partition by overa blob, which should be fairly large in size. And this process used a lot of disk storage thatexceeded the work memory setting. So they kind of put their heads together and said how can Ireduce the size of this? So they looked at the column size for the blob, the average column sizefor the blob, and it was about 780. So they said maybe we can do an MD Five of it, do a hash ofit to reduce the size and they got it down to an average size of 36 and that was enabled them todo a sort method in memory. So an in memory quicksort. But they said let's see if we can get itto go down further. So then they actually used the PG Crypto extension to produce an MD fiveas a binary type that got it down smaller. But then finally they did it as a Uuid type and they got itdown to 16 bytes. So basically they show here how much disk was used for the sort operationsby hashing the values in order to do the sort. Now they said this of course is going to burn a lotof CPU doing the hashing operations, so it did slow this query down. So against a blob theruntime was 160 milliseconds versus the hash blob was 374 milliseconds. But compared to thedisk space saved and because this is a nightly job, it was a no brainer to go ahead and usethose CPU resources to do the hash to make sure that a less disk space was being used. Sodefinitely an interesting technique I haven't really seen before and I encourage you to check itout if you're interested.
[00:08:22] The next post is PostgreSQL logical Replication. Gotchas. And this is from the PG IOblog. And they start off talking about streaming replication, which I usually consider physicalstreaming replication, basically copying the wall files exactly from one system to another. Andthen they talk about what is logical replication. So it's basically identifying specific tables that youwant to logically replicate the changes from one database system to another. So they show anexample of you create a table, insert some values into it, and then you create a publication onthat table in another database. You create the table you want it to fill into and you create asubscription that essentially subscribes to that publisher and then any data changes that areproduced in the source get replicated to the destination. But what this post is concentrating on issome of the gotchas you have to be aware of. So the first one they mentioned here is that thereplication of schema changes. So basically schema changes aren't really replicated over so youneed a way to potentially work around that. Now they're mentioning using a Django applicationbut I'm sure this would be applicable for any other application accessing the database and theirworkaround suggestion here is to disable the subscription, do the schema change to the sourceda --tabase and the destination database and then enable the subscription. Then they alsomentioned if new tables are added to your publication and your publication wasn't set for alltables, in other words you only did specific ones, you'll need to add them manual to thepublication as well and they give the command on how to do that. And you'll also need to do arefresh subscription command as well. The next gotcha are sequences. Basically sequencenumbers are not passed from the source database to the destination database. So this will be agotcha if you're actually inserting data into the destination database as well as Replicating froma source because you could get sequences colliding with one another. Now if you have thatscenario, the two workarounds they mentioned are use an external source for the number likezookeeper or etcd. Or use non overlapping ranges or you could potentially even use UUIDs toavoid those types of collisions. They mentioned another gotcha is tables without unique rowsand for that workaround they basically say to set replica identity to full. So basically all thechanges are being sent to the replication destination and they also go into differently partitioneddestinations which that seems like a pretty unique use case. So I don't believe there's anysupport for this type of replication but if you're using logical replication or planning to definitely ablog post to check out to see what kind of gotchas you can be aware of and potentially avoid.
[00:11:13] The next post is PG Permission inspecting your PostgreSQL security system. This isfrom the CyberTech Postgresql.com blog and basically they have created an open source toolcalled PG Permission as an extension. So basically it allows you to, as they say here, gain afaster overview and list all permissions. So it's a way to more efficiently, they believe, list all thepartitions that a particular role has as well compare your desired state to what the current stateis and instantly fix errors. So this view also lets you look at table Permissions and ViewPermissions column permissions so all sorts of different permissions and you can actually setpermission targets so that you can determine kind of where is it different from what you're tryingto target. So once you start getting more users using PostgreSQL and need a permissionsystem that's a little bit more sophisticated, this is one open source tool that can potentially helpwith that so basically you update views and PG permission will execute the desired grant andrevokes based upon your settings. So if you're interested in doing that, definitely a blog post anda tool to check out the next post is scheduling backups en masse with the postgres operator.This is from the Crunchydata.com blog. So Postgres Operator is a tool that's been developed byCrunchy Data that's built for managing multiple databases in a Kubernetes environment. So thistool, one of the jobs it helps you do is manage the backups. If you have tens or maybe evenhundreds of PostgreSQL databases in Kubernetes, this is a tool that helps you schedule thebackups and do some other responsibilities. I believe if it's using since it's called Operator now,there's a companion blog post also called What's New in Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator 3.5. Soit talks about some new capabilities with PG backgrounds because I believe that's the backuptool that this uses for backing up all of the different instances in a Kubernetes cluster. So ifyou're using PostgreSQL and Kubernetes, maybe you want to check out this open source toolcalled Operator.
[00:13:29] The last piece of content is actually a YouTube channel. So the second quadrantPostgreSQL YouTube channel actually posted three videos this week, but they are a little bitolder. I believe this one is about two years old because they're talking about the PostgreSQL Tenroadmap. These last two were done about the last six months. This one talks about PostgreSQLEleven and the new features. So if you want a review of that, this would be a good presentationto watch. And then this presentation. Next generation PostgreSQL replication. This covers theirBDR product, their bi directional replication, or their Master to Master Replication. The onlydownside of this particular video is the audio wasn't great quality. But if you're interested inMaster Master Replication, this would be definitely a presentation to check out.
[00:14:18] That does it. For this episode of Scaling Po --stgres, you can get links to all the content mentioned in the show notes. Be sure to head overto Scalingpostgres.com where you can sign up to receive weekly notifications of each episode.Or you could subscribe via YouTube or bye bye. What's? --